Recently I attended a keynote presentation given by Faith Wood … the fellow that introduced her stated that she had a “dynamic” personality … well that is an understatement … in the dictionary “dynamic” refers to “marked by continuous productive activity – energy” and dynamic she was. When you hear some of the obstacles that she has overcome in her personal life … it leaves you with a feeling that life isn’t as bad as we thought – we all have problems and crisis to deal with, maybe our problems are not as big as we feel they are.
My mother has a saying …. in everybody’s life there is a box full of problems and we all have to put our hand in that box and pull one out … we might pull out a big one … or a small one… and sometimes we pull out two at a time that are stuck together.. but everybody gets to deal with “the box”….
It really is not that 649 ticket that is going to make our life better .. it’s our attitude. If you ever have the opportunity to go to one of Faith Wood’s presentations you will not be disappointed.
Shirley Wintink, Water Conservation, Manitoba