Scenario 1:
You aren’t happy with some of the results in your life. You decide maybe it is time for a change.
You want to change your life quickly, so you make big wide sweeping changes all at once. You start eating clean. You vow to never spend money on anything frivolous. You find the biggest, baddest, exercise program you can. You quit all of your bad habits at once.
Scenario 2:
You aren’t happy. You feel stuck and don’t think you are getting the results in life you deserve.
You know you want to make some changes, so you start small. You make sure you have some sort of vegetables with each meal. You start going for more walks throughout the day. You still treat yourself, but you make set a reasonable budget for discretionary spending. You start to replace a single bad habit, with a new positive habit.
What If I Told You…
You can get the same results in either case. In fact, you might actually get more done in the long-term with the second scenario.
I know it sounds weird. “Why would I get more done, by doing less?”
The power of incremental change!
In the second situation, you might not hit the ground running as fast, but habit formation and changing your life in general is a long-term game.
Embracing the power of small, tiny tweaks will make change less painful. It doesn’t get results right away, but they are so easy to stick to! Eventually the cumulative effects will far outpace any scenario where you start off fast, and crash and burn.
If you are curious what these kinds of tweaks could be, well look no further.
It’s the Little Things – eBook & Workbook
Creating Positive Change in Your Life Doesn’t Have to be a Struggle
Scenario 1:
You aren’t happy with some of the results in your life. You decide maybe it is time for a change.
You want to change your life quickly, so you make big wide sweeping changes all at once. You start eating clean. You vow to never spend money on anything frivolous. You find the biggest, baddest, exercise program you can. You quit all of your bad habits at once.
Scenario 2:
You aren’t happy. You feel stuck and don’t think you are getting the results in life you deserve.
You know you want to make some changes, so you start small. You make sure you have some sort of vegetables with each meal. You start going for more walks throughout the day. You still treat yourself, but you make set a reasonable budget for discretionary spending. You start to replace a single bad habit, with a new positive habit.
What If I Told You…
You can get the same results in either case. In fact, you might actually get more done in the long-term with the second scenario.
I know it sounds weird. “Why would I get more done, by doing less?”
The power of incremental change!
In the second situation, you might not hit the ground running as fast, but habit formation and changing your life in general is a long-term game.
Embracing the power of small, tiny tweaks will make change less painful. It doesn’t get results right away, but they are so easy to stick to! Eventually the cumulative effects will far outpace any scenario where you start off fast, and crash and burn.
If you are curious what these kinds of tweaks could be, well look no further.
In “It’s The Little Things” you are going to learn about the Power Of Incremental Change to not only change your life… but to actually make it so easy, you don’t even feel like you are doing it.
You’ll learn ten separate tweaks that might not seem like much at the time, but once you have all in full effect, the results will be astounding.
Time to Change Your Life
Change can seem initially daunting. The key here is not to get too wrapped up in quick big changes.
Even small, incremental changes can add up to massive results.
Ready to get started? Click the Add to Cart button for instant access to a more healthy, productive, organized life!
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