What Does Your Handwriting Say About You or Your Employees?
Finding, attracting, hiring and keeping good employees is often one of your biggest expenses. Estimates from various studies suggest that the cost of hiring one new employee can equal 30% of that employee’s first year salary.
If you’re in human resources you know that success is 80% social and communication skills and 20% technical skills. Figuring out how to effectively align these attributes in a new hire can be a huge benefit. Well…let me introduce you to the world of handwriting analysis.
Handwriting analysis can tell you if you’re putting together a compatible team. Incompatible personality types can lead to the kinds of problems and issues managers dread most – “personnel problems” where team members spend more time bickering, gossiping and complaining than getting along. Obviously, the better chance you have of avoiding this outcome the better.
In this short eBook, we will introduce you to 5 key handwriting traits to look for in a person’s handwriting to prevent this type of conflict on a team.
In the hands of a good graphologist, a person’s handwriting sample can be 85 – 90% effectively analyzed for character traits such as persistence, ability to communicate, getting along with others, leadership and work ethic.
With more than 200 personality traits displayed in a handwriting sample, you can find out before you hire if your applicant is likely to be a good fit with your company culture.
Handwriting is referred to by many as “brain-writing.”Thus it follows reason that how we move (and write) must reflect our physical, mental and emotional states.
The study of handwriting explains why, although as children we are taught to form letters according to established pattern, each of us develops our own peculiarly individual script over time. It also explains the incredible diversity of handwriting. No two people’s script is exactly the same. An American statistician determined that the possibility of two writings being identical is one chance in 68 trillion.
Certain personality traits are unconsciously revealed in our cursive writing – the science of interpreting these characteristics is referred to as graphology or handwriting analysis.
What human resource managers can’t always find in a resume, calls to previous employers or even in an engaging interview can often be revealed through an analysis of the applicant’s handwritten notes.
Things like the size of a loop on a descending letter can indicate a healthy life, or a lack of physical activity. To the experienced eye, things like a person’s determination, work ethic, patience, temper, level of honesty and one’s goals are easily revealed.
“Handwriting analysis can help you spot trouble traits, but with guidance from a professional, you can actually change those traits as well.”
Curious enough to learn more about this intriguing science, pick up this short ebook today!
Handwriting Analysis for H.R.
What Does Your Handwriting Say About You or Your Employees?
Finding, attracting, hiring and keeping good employees is often one of your biggest expenses. Estimates from various studies suggest that the cost of hiring one new employee can equal 30% of that employee’s first year salary.
If you’re in human resources you know that success is 80% social and communication skills and 20% technical skills. Figuring out how to effectively align these attributes in a new hire can be a huge benefit. Well…let me introduce you to the world of handwriting analysis.
Handwriting analysis can tell you if you’re putting together a compatible team. Incompatible personality types can lead to the kinds of problems and issues managers dread most – “personnel problems” where team members spend more time bickering, gossiping and complaining than getting along. Obviously, the better chance you have of avoiding this outcome the better.
In this short eBook, we will introduce you to 5 key handwriting traits to look for in a person’s handwriting to prevent this type of conflict on a team.
In the hands of a good graphologist, a person’s handwriting sample can be 85 – 90% effectively analyzed for character traits such as persistence, ability to communicate, getting along with others, leadership and work ethic.
With more than 200 personality traits displayed in a handwriting sample, you can find out before you hire if your applicant is likely to be a good fit with your company culture.
Handwriting is referred to by many as “brain-writing.”Thus it follows reason that how we move (and write) must reflect our physical, mental and emotional states.
The study of handwriting explains why, although as children we are taught to form letters according to established pattern, each of us develops our own peculiarly individual script over time. It also explains the incredible diversity of handwriting. No two people’s script is exactly the same. An American statistician determined that the possibility of two writings being identical is one chance in 68 trillion.
Certain personality traits are unconsciously revealed in our cursive writing – the science of interpreting these characteristics is referred to as graphology or handwriting analysis.
What human resource managers can’t always find in a resume, calls to previous employers or even in an engaging interview can often be revealed through an analysis of the applicant’s handwritten notes.
Things like the size of a loop on a descending letter can indicate a healthy life, or a lack of physical activity. To the experienced eye, things like a person’s determination, work ethic, patience, temper, level of honesty and one’s goals are easily revealed.
“Handwriting analysis can help you spot trouble traits, but with guidance from a professional, you can actually change those traits as well.”
Curious enough to learn more about this intriguing science, pick up this short ebook today!
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