Fear is often more imagined than real. It is the story in our head. And we tend to believe the stories that we repeat most often.
Daily worry is not fixing anything, and it is certainly hazardous to your emotional wellbeing.
Is it time to conquer those stories that are having an undesirable impact on your health and wellbeing?
In this 30 minute webinar, I will share with you some tested and verified strategies for shifting out of FEAR laden mindsets. You will be able to evaluate the validity of the FEAR and know how to alter that which is counterproductive.
Humans have both a rational brain (the neocortex) and an emotional brain (the amygdala). We like to think our rational brain is in charge, but in fact, in a threatening situation (imagined or otherwise), our emotional brain is the one in charge.
The amygdala is activated first in the case of a threat; it gets information and blood flowing before the neocortex does. The amygdala prepares the body for action by flooding it with adrenaline and other chemicals the body needs to take immediate action. (In the case of fear, this would be the butterflies you get). At this stage, the only actions available are those that are instinctive or have become well-rehearsed habits.
The neocortex takes a back seat until the amygdala has done its job and the chemical cocktail it dispenses has subsided. Then, and only then, do we start thinking rationally. Then, and only then, can we call on memories or experience, such as what we learned in training last week. Then and only then can we engage in planning a new course of action.
That which we resist, persists!
I once worked with a young gymnast on elevating her performance. Despite being exceptionally talented and scoring top placements on the bars and mat, this gymnast recently developed a completely debilitating fear of the balance beam.
When pressed about the problem, she described a fear of falling; a fear of the anger in her coach’s voice; a fear of letting everyone down! The list was long. And, the more she talked about it, the more entrenched her commitment to that fear became.
Mom and Dad were at their wits ends. They so desperately wanted to help her get past this. Sadly, no matter how many times they talked with her at night and managed to reduce her anxiety; by morning, the fear was back with a vengeance. Often, even worse than the day before.
What was happening to her?
Fear is not logical. It is an emotion. Emotions don’t live in the part of the brain where logic and language reside. Our emotional brain thinks in feelings and images and it amps those butterflies as a strategy for getting our attention – alerting us to what the mind has come to perceive as a threat.
If you find yourself slipping into imagination and creating scary or hopeless scenarios, remember that you can choose what you imagine.
In this seminar, you will discover a few effective strategies for combating your FEAR and Worry responses.
If you could use a few good strategies, this quick training can help.
Of course, you can always book a consult with me as well.
Can you afford to wait another day to design a more positive and productive future?
Fight Your Fears & Worries Seminar
In this 30 minute webinar, I will share with you some tested and verified strategies for shifting out of FEAR laden mindsets. You will be able to evaluate the validity of the FEAR and know how to alter that which is counterproductive.
Fear is often more imagined than real. It is the story in our head. And we tend to believe the stories that we repeat most often.
Daily worry is not fixing anything, and it is certainly hazardous to your emotional wellbeing.
Is it time to conquer those stories that are having an undesirable impact on your health and wellbeing?
In this 30 minute webinar, I will share with you some tested and verified strategies for shifting out of FEAR laden mindsets. You will be able to evaluate the validity of the FEAR and know how to alter that which is counterproductive.
Humans have both a rational brain (the neocortex) and an emotional brain (the amygdala). We like to think our rational brain is in charge, but in fact, in a threatening situation (imagined or otherwise), our emotional brain is the one in charge.
The amygdala is activated first in the case of a threat; it gets information and blood flowing before the neocortex does. The amygdala prepares the body for action by flooding it with adrenaline and other chemicals the body needs to take immediate action. (In the case of fear, this would be the butterflies you get). At this stage, the only actions available are those that are instinctive or have become well-rehearsed habits.
The neocortex takes a back seat until the amygdala has done its job and the chemical cocktail it dispenses has subsided. Then, and only then, do we start thinking rationally. Then, and only then, can we call on memories or experience, such as what we learned in training last week. Then and only then can we engage in planning a new course of action.
That which we resist, persists!
I once worked with a young gymnast on elevating her performance. Despite being exceptionally talented and scoring top placements on the bars and mat, this gymnast recently developed a completely debilitating fear of the balance beam.
When pressed about the problem, she described a fear of falling; a fear of the anger in her coach’s voice; a fear of letting everyone down! The list was long. And, the more she talked about it, the more entrenched her commitment to that fear became.
Mom and Dad were at their wits ends. They so desperately wanted to help her get past this. Sadly, no matter how many times they talked with her at night and managed to reduce her anxiety; by morning, the fear was back with a vengeance. Often, even worse than the day before.
What was happening to her?
Fear is not logical. It is an emotion. Emotions don’t live in the part of the brain where logic and language reside. Our emotional brain thinks in feelings and images and it amps those butterflies as a strategy for getting our attention – alerting us to what the mind has come to perceive as a threat.
If you find yourself slipping into imagination and creating scary or hopeless scenarios, remember that you can choose what you imagine.
In this seminar, you will discover a few effective strategies for combating your FEAR and Worry responses.
If you could use a few good strategies, this quick training can help.
Of course, you can always book a consult with me as well.
Can you afford to wait another day to design a more positive and productive future?
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