This isn’t your typical self-help blog (although there is some of that too)! You’ll find topics ranging from goal setting to conflict negotiation and everything in between. If you’re ready to do more than just show up, and instead take control of the story you’re telling, then it’s time to dig in!
Willing to Change or Protecting those Willful Blindness Goggles?
Psychologically humans like the status quo. We like our same seat at the dinner table, or our same seat in a classroom. We are creatures of habit. Sadly, the ‘status quo’ also often gets in the way of success in organizations. Sometimes it is as simple as “passing the buck”. This is an old term, […]

Using NLP to Get out of Fear
Thomas Edison was known to have said that “Nearly everyone who develops an idea works at it up to the point where it looks impossible, and then gets discouraged. Sadly, that’s not the place to become discouraged.” Look around you. Everything you see that has been made by human beings started out as an idea. […]
Ladies, is it time to put relax on the ‘To Do’ list?
I am so excited to be joining Stephanie Staples of Your Life unlimited Radio Show ( on Sunday, January 25th. Stephanie Staples was voted 2014s Manitoba Entrepreuner of the Year. Stephanie is a powerful and inspirational speaker who believes you should stop waiting for a better time to live Your Life, Unlimited – the best […]

Why would you train in NLP style techniques?
What do Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, John F. Kennedy Jr., William Shakespeare, Margaret Thatcher, and Martin Luther King Jr. all have in common? They are all extraordinary motivational speakers who use enriched language that appeals to all of our senses to convey a powerful message. 01 Traditional communication techniques focus on the use […]

What you believe, reproduces!
Well we are half way through January and I wonder how many of us are still trying to figure out what the new year resolution should be and how many have already lost faith in the ones they set for themselves. I have recently been chatting with bewildered and fatigued colleagues who are re-evaluating the […]

The impact of wilful blindness in the workplace
Willful blindness in the workplace can cost an employer money and can cost managers their jobs! It is a matter of knowing WHEN to become willfully blind and when to make sure your eyes are wide open? It’s a matter of timing. And we think we might have it all figured out and then something […]

Are you fed up with weak apologies for bad behaviour?
Are you fed up with bad behaviour, weak promises about change, superficial or meaningless apologies and (what feels like) an overwhelming lack of accountability in day to day interactions? Me too! From companies who seem to take our consumer dollars for granted to political parties who ignore the constituents who voted them into office, to […]

Its a matter of perspective
Ever notice how sometimes our perspective of a given life situation makes us feel inadequate or less than capable? We try so hard to keep a clear head and maintain objectivity, but then find ourselves guiltily comparing ourselves to others whom we perceive have a much more perfect life, business, family then our own. But, […]

What is Wilfull Blindness?
If I say the word “blindness” different images materialize for different people based on their own past perception of what blindess means to them. Perhaps many of you thought of the famous Helen Keller, or maybe you thought of a grandparent who has lost their vision, or maybe you envisioned a person walking down the […]
Why so Cranky?
After witnessing a woman in the London Drugs store snarl her way through 3 staff members, it occurred to me that perhaps a few tips for reducing stress this holiday season might be in order. If you are struggling with the ease and flow of the holiday season, know that you are not alone. As […]
Meet Colbie – The Protagonist in Faith’s new book
As many of you know, I am writing a fiction book. This has been an interesting journey and one that has left me scratching my head on more than one occasion. I have so much respect for those who write fiction often and find a way to make their characters come to life for their […]
Colbie discovers why she studies human behaviour
By June, the scar receded significantly, and it was time to decide on a different career. She put it off as long as she could, and leaving the force proved more difficult than anticipated. No matter how she tried to figure out her next steps, Colbie couldn’t motivate herself to dive into something new—and, it […]
I’m writing a fiction book
As I write the pages, I thought it might be helpful to see how interested my readers are in the story. So….this is the beginning of that process. I will update ideas and thoughts periodically so … talk to me… then I will know how much more you want to read! Here is the beginning […]

How balanced are you?
ARIE (in Jamaican means Very Good). This sentiment is expressed with big smiles and shouts of joy. “ARIE mon”! When was the last time that you shouted out how fabulous you felt? For many of us, summer is the season when we get to put some of our work expectations on pause. We head out […]
A tribute to a great Dad
Camping season has finally started for us. With a busy travel schedule that has me sleeping in hotels many nights (listening to the nightly calls of room service), I am grateful to be in my own RV, surrounded by my own germs and chaos and … I am even more delighted when we arrive at […]
The Value of Gratitude for Moms
I have been a bit of a road warrior this month. Running from event to event and focused on CAPTIVATING audiences with my dry sense of humour and insightful thoughts and ideas on a whole variety of topics. It is a lot of fun and I am very grateful to have this career that I […]
Influencing a Motivated and Engaged Team
This week I had the wonderful good fortune to be chosen to present this topic at the PMI – NAC Conference in Edmonton. As a Behaviour Flexibility Specialist, this topic is one I love chatting about (almost as much as Decoding NonVerbal Intelligence). Perhaps that is because, motivation is often quite clearly linked to unspoken […]
Is Technology Undermining our Ability to Communicate?
The digital revolution has given us new tools to meet people and stay in touch. From video conferencing to social networking, it would appear that we are more connected globally then at any other time in history. And, although technology has shrunk our world, the question I have been pondering is whether or not we […]
Do you have the Aloha Spirit?
In my last blog, I asked you what attitude you brought to your day? I reflected that one of the most important steps you can take toward achieving your greatest potential in life is to become more aware and observant of your attitude and its impact on your work performance, relationships and everyone around you. […]
Is your attitude akin to Eyore or Tigger?
What attitude did you bring to your day today? One of the most important steps you can take toward achieving your greatest potential in life is to become more aware and observant of your attitude and its impact on your work performance, relationships and everyone around you. In truth, we generally don’t have a high […]